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Primeiro mito do racismo
Que nós, portugueses, somos brancos
Na verdade, somos considerados "pessoas de cor" noutros países.
Foi uma supresa para mim descobrir que uma pessoa de pele clara - considerada indiscutivelmente branca em Portugal - é considerada uma "mulher de cor" (a woman of color) nos Estados Unidos da América.
Vivi alguns anos em Maryland e lembro-me de preencher o formulário para me candidatar à segurança social .American husband is white, but I realized that, in America, I was not white… Black? Nope. Hispanic? Well, I don’t speak Spanish although everybody thinks that I do. Other? European? Huummm… a woman of color, yes, but what box should I check? No idea: Still, many years later, I have no idea. And I really don´t care. Whatever the box, I´m still me and proudly me. However, I faced this mini identity crisis in my late 30s early 40s. My personality had long been formed and consolidated, I worked overseas, strived to become whole, and did amazing things with my life. A box could not define me.
However, with my 10-year old daughter, this is a different story. In Portugal, US or in any other country for what is worth, she is growing up with multicultural blood and skin that she ought to always recognize and love. Now the context around her may be more or less helpful – and that´s what I want to talk about. About the context and about our contribution to a more or less helpful context.

Segundo mito do racismo
Que em Portugal o racismo é mais fofinho e menos perigoso que noutros países

Terceiro mito do racismo
Que deixar passar um comentário racista num jantar de família não é um comportamento racista

Quarto mito do racismo
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